Monday, June 25, 2018

Weird Fiction Review 8

Now available from Centipede Press:

Weird Fiction Review #8

Edited by S.T. Joshi
Artwork gallery by Erol Otus.
Lengthy interview with Patrick McGrath.
History of the small press: Shasta Press by Stefan Dziemianowicz.
Several new essays and stories.
Sewn paperback.
Nearly 400 pages.

pricing: $35, on sale for $19.

The Weird Fiction Review is an annual periodical devoted to the study of weird and supernatural fiction. It is edited by S.T. Joshi. This eighth issue contains fiction, poetry, and reviews from leading writers and promising newcomers. This issue features fiction by John Shirley, Flannery O’Connor, Lynne Jamneck, Michael Washburn, and others, and articles by Stefan Dziemianowicz (an illustrated history of Shasta Publishing), Michael Shuman (on horror films and garage and surf music), Adam Groves (on the golden age of speculative erotic fiction), John C. Tibbetts (on John M. Barrie), Forrest J Ackerman (on Robert Bloch), as well as verse and other essays and fiction. The feature of the issue is Chad Hensley’s terrific interview with Erol Otus, the iconic artist that did so much of the Dungeons & Dragons artwork of the late 1970s and early 1980s. The front and back cover, and inside covers, are by artist Grant Griffin. The list price on this item is $35 and it is on sale for $19.

Full contents details available by visiting Centipede Press's page for the book at

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